Looks like a nice fit! Definitely a lot of valuable space to lose though. I can see other things getting packed in around it making it more of a pain to take out (hopefully not). I have a 3.3hp Merc as well & it is a great motor!
You have the dingy package I believe - I have the same as well. I have a pretty nice blow of that is pretty substantial, just no motor. It would take a small electric motor, it has a piece of wood I'm the transom. Have not used it yet. I need a short trolling motor..
Interesting, I was wondering why those pieces were molded like that under the seat.. I actually just bought a dingy and a 4hp merc 2stroke... going to use it when the water gets cooler.. so this is where you put the motor, where do you store the gas tank ?
haha socks on a rooster....im stealing that! i was wondering why that area was molded like that. in going to look at a dink today hopefully i can get it you have one hooked up 270! I always say the next guy to get my boat will be bored, theres gonna be nothing left to improve, lol
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express