Coupler Failure 100 Miles from home

when you take a long trip you imagine the worst case from a boat issue standpoint and we got hit with it yesterday 100 water miles north of home port. we came out of MacRay harbor with 4 other boats to head south to dock in Detroit for a few nights on our way back to Lake Erie. I throttled up and heard it. Ziiiiippppp and no thrust. Back to neutral. Put port in gear and had power, the stbd and heard the noise. Popped the lid to look but I knew it, almost no movement in stbd shaft. Called @Stodge, thankfully I had his number, and he gave me the cell to his mechanic who looked at it when we hit the dock and confirmed coupler. So we are now driving home in a rental car. They will haul the boat Monday and replace the coupler. Drive off, engine moved forward (I have a couple of feet in front of my engines. As always this forum has been a great help as thanks @Stodge had a mechanic on the boat within a couple hours of failure and thanks to @wm61356 for coming by the boat last night and offering his car and any help he can provide. Was very comforting to have these guys local support. Hope to be back up to the boat Thursday. We are just doing the one side as the mechanic is swamped and we need to get home. Likely this winter we will do the other side. Major bummer during a vaca but everyone is safe so it can always be worse.
07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
like I said when I look down the transom inside the shaft is turning maybe 3 rpm so the coupler has to be bad but now worried about u joint and gimbal due to that noise when turning the wheel.
I would advise to definitely check the gimbal bearing. The biggest thing is you are moving your engine forward. Gimbal bearing and u-joint can be replaced a bit easier with only removing outdrive.
Sorry to hear it happen, but it is REALLY GREAT to hear about fellow Rinker members on hear helping out! (I'm leaving soon for 17 days out on the boat and as anyone would, have the same concerns - I do have contacts as well for two Rinker members)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
which means removing engine mount bolts
When that core goes, does it not usually take the rubber with it? Sure did on mine. As far as maintenance, there are two grease zerts (sorry for the misspelling ) that should get a shot each year. It will go when you hit something as well- I'm told to have the engine alignment checked although I don't see how it would move once in place....guess the mounts are that solid...