Funny, but could have been serious...

Had a fantastic day out yesterday with a buddy and his wife. Caught the eclipse (what we could see of it here) out on the water, a great lunch and a swim. Buddy's wife is a wonderful lady, but a little bit of a bubble head sometimes.
I generally run through a check list with visitor's, a do and don't list, where safety gear is located, how to operate the head, and a biggie...everyone remains seated unless I say different, or you let me know you're moving.
These folks are experienced boaters, albeit in smaller craft, so I figured that I could abridge the list, and only ran through the safety gear location and the head operation.
We're sailing along on plane at about 3800 RPM, 28 mph and over my shoulder I hear "I need to pee" from where she's sitting in the aft bench seat....not surprising considering she'd had several adult apple ciders with lunch. So I chop the throttle so she can come forward. Next thing I know, she comes rocketing past me, and does a perfect face plant into the cabin door...she was already on her feet and moving forward when she made her announcement.
She was more embarrassed than anything, luckily not hurt, and luckily another one of my rules is to keep the cabin door closed whenever we are at speed. Otherwise she would have flew right into the cabin below.
So...what did we learn?
1) Never ASSUME anything, even with experienced boating guests.
2) Before chopping throttle, take a glance back to see what's going on....I gapped on that one, as I usually do sneak a peak to make sure there isn't anybody following in my wake before coming off plane.
3) When guests are consuming extra attention. A combination of a few drinks, a bit of sun and fun and everybody being in a happy mood likely contributed to the whole issue.
As it was, we had a few laughs and it was no biggie...but could have been.
I generally run through a check list with visitor's, a do and don't list, where safety gear is located, how to operate the head, and a biggie...everyone remains seated unless I say different, or you let me know you're moving.
These folks are experienced boaters, albeit in smaller craft, so I figured that I could abridge the list, and only ran through the safety gear location and the head operation.
We're sailing along on plane at about 3800 RPM, 28 mph and over my shoulder I hear "I need to pee" from where she's sitting in the aft bench seat....not surprising considering she'd had several adult apple ciders with lunch. So I chop the throttle so she can come forward. Next thing I know, she comes rocketing past me, and does a perfect face plant into the cabin door...she was already on her feet and moving forward when she made her announcement.
She was more embarrassed than anything, luckily not hurt, and luckily another one of my rules is to keep the cabin door closed whenever we are at speed. Otherwise she would have flew right into the cabin below.
So...what did we learn?
1) Never ASSUME anything, even with experienced boating guests.
2) Before chopping throttle, take a glance back to see what's going on....I gapped on that one, as I usually do sneak a peak to make sure there isn't anybody following in my wake before coming off plane.
3) When guests are consuming extra attention. A combination of a few drinks, a bit of sun and fun and everybody being in a happy mood likely contributed to the whole issue.
As it was, we had a few laughs and it was no biggie...but could have been.
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
...I keep mine open, lol.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Hey what do you want me to do?
Just sit and be quite please.