Question: Are the hulls of the FV270 the 280EC and the newer 290 the exact same?

I know the widths are the same at 9'1" but wondering if they all shared the same hull and design. 

Reason I'm asking is that I'm trying to setup my bunk trailer for my 280 and saw a great post from Mike a.k.a TikiHut with some measurements for his FV270 in the trailering forum.

Hoping that someone can chime in and let me know if the hulls are the same as that would make it easier in setting p this bunks in the rear as per his instructions. 

Thanks in advance. 

On a bit of a side note, it looks like my Gimbal bearing is bad, and growling sometimes when I try to trim up. Figure I'll just do a transom kit and replace the bellows at the same time in a few weeks. Hoping to squeeze one more run out of her maybe this weekend and then done for the season. 


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