New toy for the shop...

After a few close calls with my fingers I decided to purchase a little help for the shop... A nice new Laguna CNC. Now the steps are made from a 2" thick solid hunk of cherry with precision.... No more wasting expensive lumber from a wandering handheld router. Sink covers are perfect circles with carved images or text(your boat name?), etc... After purchasing I had to wait 9 weeks until it was built and delivered. Received it 8 days ago but I've been working with the software for over 2 months now... Here are a few pictures of what is being made in my shop now(yes, those are LED lights set in matching cherry wood fixtures to replace the incandescent "battery killer" lights in the FV270):

PC BYC, Holland, MI
Ive got one made out of starbord but would love a wooden one.
Question, my Starbord one for a 280 needed to have an offset post to use the existing mount and I've got a brace going down to the cupholders. Will a wood one be able to work with an offset post?
Let me know now if you want to see pics.
up the good job
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Selling set of (4) lights for $150. Includes new stainless mounting screws and factory plug... Simple installation