FV270 Horizon 600 windlass slow/stopping

So my boat is an 04 with only 200 hours and the windlass is acting up. It releases the anchor fine, but when it's time to pull up, once the anchor is broke loose, it won't pull the rope weight, let alone when the slack is gone and it's actually pulling the anchor/chain weight up. Me and my pops took the windlass off and took the motor apart and cleaned it all up (was not very dirty). All gears look to be fine and plenty of grease on them. After re-installing the windlass we had let a bunch of line out and tried to pull it back in. The motor started pulling fast for a few seconds, then speed was slowed to a crawl until the main breaker in the battery switch panel popped. We pushed the breaker back in and continued the snails pace until it popped again. We did this about 5 times until we finally got all the anchor back up to the pulpit. The breaker next to switch never popped. He was holding the power wires to the windlass the whole time and noted that they just barely got warm toward the end.
Could the big nut on the gipsy be too tight and causing this?
Could a faulty switch/solenoid be causing this? I'm want to try to exhaust all options before replacing the whole windlass due to price obviously. I plan to test the solenoid switch and breaker this weekend with a ohm meter.
Just seeing if anyone has experienced this problem before.
Could the big nut on the gipsy be too tight and causing this?
Could a faulty switch/solenoid be causing this? I'm want to try to exhaust all options before replacing the whole windlass due to price obviously. I plan to test the solenoid switch and breaker this weekend with a ohm meter.
Just seeing if anyone has experienced this problem before.
Post edited by 04FV270riverrat on
The windlass operation described in my OP was done in my slip with the anchor not set, just dropped straight below the boat in 6 ft of water. The windlass barely pulled the loose, dangling rope before popping the breaker. I edited the OP to hopefully remove that confusion.
It's not a case of pulling the whole boat while anchor is set. It is pulling up a free hanging anchor with no resistance other than the weight of the anchor/rode/chain.