Dream_Inn, I keep it at Cobbs Creek about 2 miles up the piantitank river. Next river south of the Rappahanock. Middle Bay.
Nice area down there. If I remember right, Deltaville is nearby. I try to get down south once a year in the early part of the summer. One of my favorite marinas is Salt Ponds (just north of Hampton).
Okay it's now the end of season 2 and I am happy to report that we had another fantastic season. We had one early season glitch with the shifter cable that was a quick fix. The boat ran great all season. My original review said we could get into the high 30s with a full load. I must have dreamt that lol. She will run all day in the low to mid 20s but a heavy load (6 to 8 adults) plus gas really slows her down. WOT with just my wife and me and it feels pretty sprightly, can get into the 30s.
great review , and yes , was wondering where that high 30s number came from. Am assuming you meant knots ... ... as well.
I was about to sink my boat when I read that luvinlife....mine seems to plane out nice and run nicely at about 25....I think about 32 when the wind was right was my best but I don't run wot other when we first got it and I wanted to open it up!
Hi all, just taken delivery of a 2005 270FV, it’s got the VolvoD4 and couldn’t be happier!!! Am over in the UK and these boats are rare beasts am already getting curious looks down at the marina...as they say “you’ve got a lot of bang for your buck” am looking forward to my first season!!
It a nice boat I have the same boat same year! look at the Hill marine 4x4 props if you need a little more hole shot to get in plane. Well worth the investment
New Rinker boats are available "off the Shelf" in the UK, through a sales agent. A brand new 2019 270 EX is between £105,000 and £125,000. The shipping cost is probably reflected in the price.
Nice area down there. If I remember right, Deltaville is nearby. I try to get down south once a year in the early part of the summer. One of my favorite marinas is Salt Ponds (just north of Hampton).
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
great review , and yes , was wondering where that high 30s number came from. Am assuming you meant knots ...
pics please !!
look at the Hill marine 4x4 props if you need a little more hole shot to get in plane. Well worth the investment
Go Steelers!!!
Opps, this was supposed to be see this! Figured he would wear us out with it!
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX