Threads on hot water tank connections

Does anyone know offhand if the threaded fittings on the lines to the hot water tank on a 2000 FV270 are NPT or compression thread?
Reason I ask is that I'm going to wnterize my water system next weekend and my mechanic suggested a quick and easy way I like. He emphatically stated " whatever the #@$@ you do, do NOT put pink stuff in your water tank or heater." Stinks and serves no purpose. He suggests opening the drain on the hot water tank, pulling the two lines off, join them with a nipple, pull the feed line off the fresh water tank and stick it in a bottle of pink stuff. Run the antifreeze through the pump and all lines until it comes out of the various faucets/ showers and you're done. The little bit of residual water in the tanks will never cause damage because it's easier for the ice to expand into empty space than push against the tank. Guy has 30 years experience and I trust him.
So....I want to bring the right nipple to the boat on Saturday.
Differing opinions welcome....
Reason I ask is that I'm going to wnterize my water system next weekend and my mechanic suggested a quick and easy way I like. He emphatically stated " whatever the #@$@ you do, do NOT put pink stuff in your water tank or heater." Stinks and serves no purpose. He suggests opening the drain on the hot water tank, pulling the two lines off, join them with a nipple, pull the feed line off the fresh water tank and stick it in a bottle of pink stuff. Run the antifreeze through the pump and all lines until it comes out of the various faucets/ showers and you're done. The little bit of residual water in the tanks will never cause damage because it's easier for the ice to expand into empty space than push against the tank. Guy has 30 years experience and I trust him.
So....I want to bring the right nipple to the boat on Saturday.
Differing opinions welcome....
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I agree, but I go one step further and just use a water heater bypass. This allows you to just turn a valve and it diverts the water heater. You can also add a T with a switch (basically the same as the water heater) and turn it for the pump to use a hose instead of the tank. What all this does, is it allows you to do the water system without removing hoses each year.
I agree with Handy, it is NPT.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
PC BYC, Holland, MI
However my yoga/gymnastic/ contortion/ days are over, may not be able to maneuver, in there to take it apart. we'll see.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)