09 340 aft cab couch removal, bed install

kneedeepkneedeep Member Posts: 103 ✭✭✭
OldDogNewTrix asked if I ever put the bed in my aft cab, so I thought I'd post pictures. 1. totally removed the couch 2. Built a small box over an opening into the bilge that was in the aft port corner under the couch. 3. Built a center support wall, 2 pieces, so that it does not block an access cover in the floor. 4. Cut the plywood (actually 3/4" subfloor) deck, made it 4 pieces. 5. Painted pieces. 6. Installed, screwed down to supports. 7. Cut a piece of carpet to cover deck, over the winter I'll get it bound to stop fraying. 8. Used a piece of angle aluminum, attached it to the deck edge & attached the finish trim. 9. Painted finish trim, teak was too much $. 10. Used a full XL foam mattress, which fits in the space perfectly, but also I can buy fitted sheets. Wayne, yes my couch had the cushions attached to the walls with Velcro that was stapled & glued. I spent hours pulling staples then used goof off, goo be gone & a few other products to remove the glue. It was very tedious but I got it all off. I used a fan for the fumes. I've ordered new vinyl from rinker to re-line the walls, even though they don't look too bad (you can still see the staple holes). I did not put drawers underneath because I'm using the space to store canvas pieces & bow cushions & wanted the full depth to slide things in


  • gslprogslpro Member Posts: 222 ✭✭✭
    Nice Job!  Looks great!
    Gary and Diane
    290 FV Nauti Bonnie
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,683 mod
    Very nice!! :-c

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

  • OldDogNewTrixOldDogNewTrix Member Posts: 166 ✭✭✭
    Knee deep, thank you very much for the detailed explanation along with the photos. I didn't realize we had those access ports down there, now I know where to find the forward bilge pump. I'm going to try and build some removable storage bin cubbies at the foot of the bed, something like the Ikea ones with 12" square collapsible cloth bins. I also see that the storage under that centre section will be much more accessible. I'm definitely going to start measuring this weekend and plan this out. Thanks again, looks like you,ve done an excellent job on that.
    Wayne '09 340 EC
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