I'm looking at purchasing at 2005 250 fiesta vee, is this a decent boat? What time of travel range would I have with the 350 mpi engine and 75 gallon tank
Best cruise for the Rinker 250 Fiesta Vee (Not in Production) is 26.8 mph (43.1 kph), and the boat gets 2.56 miles per gallon (mpg) or 1.09 kilometers per liter (kpl), giving the boat a cruising range of 173 miles (278.42 kilometers).
Tested power is 1 x 300-hp MerCruiser 350 MAG MPI.
The FV250 is a good boat with a strong hull. Cabin headroom is limited for people over 6'. It is good for a couple with kids, but if you want to carry a lot of people and gear a bigger boat would be better. 2mpg or less is too be expected depending on sea state. The bilge mounted aluminum gas tank can suffer corrosion and leakage with a boat of this age, something to be aware of as the repair is expensive. This is not unique to Rinker or the FV250 though.