Anyone here on the Alton pool? Thinking about moving my rig from the lake of the Ozarks to the Alton pool and would like to get some pros and cons. Thanks!
We have been in the alton pool for about 20years now. It is great, and a heck of a lot closer than LOZ. Very common to see people out on a weekday afternoon/evening after work. Plenty of sandbars to pull up to, plenty of marinas to store the boat. A couple of good places to eat. The only thing is that water patrol LOVES to alternate between LOZ and the river. I guess its their money maker. If you decide to move the boat up here, if you need a slip, look at River Island marina. A very simple marina with basically just a slip with electric, but for the price you cant beat it.
Thanks, youstolemybeeer. I'm looking into transport companies to move my boat and my lift in the spring. I've already started checking out some of the marinas in the pool. Looks like there are plenty to choose from. Never boated on a river before, so I've got a lot to learn.
The very first rule of the river is NEVER jump in head first. There will be either a log that u hit your head on (owww oww) or you will hit a sand bar ( neck injury at the least, at the worse is a wheel chair) After that if you see a guy on the sand bar with a jonboat that is names BABS you must give him beer
I’m a Pool 26 boater, and I love it! The river is definately more laidback than LOTO, but that’s a good thing! The river is also more unforgiving than the lake without a doubt! Keep yourself in the channel until you get to know your way around, and you’ll be fine. I can recommend both Polestar and My River Home marinas. I have a boat in each.
After that if you see a guy on the sand bar with a jonboat that is names BABS you must give him beer