Cant say they’re quick, but they are pretty darn cool covers. Based out of lake of the ozarks. Bought mine after seeing my neighbors formula cover.
Why cover a boat that is on a lift and under a roof? I can see a mooring cover or something to keep the sun off it, but are you worried about blowing snow or something?
Wow! that is pretty slick! I wish I had a set up over my lift to utilize something like that for the winter or long stretches of time when we can't make it to the boat.
That goes for all bodies of water really i always cold ver my boat and try to keep light to a minimum after sun goes down. lake st Clair is known for fish flies those lil critters will cover everything outside including boats, houses and people lol
Go Steelers!!!
cover but lord screw all that jazz
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Go Steelers!!!
i always cold ver my boat and try to keep light to a minimum after sun goes down.
lake st Clair is known for fish flies
those lil critters will cover everything outside including boats, houses and people lol