running a bravo 3 on a trailer

yellow everyone after owning a Chris Craft with a OMC drive for the past 10 years the boat would not go into froward an was having a hard time finding someone to repair it ,finally the only option was to remove the motor and replace the gimbal housing and the drive with a bravo 3 ,I needed to move on so last year i bought a 2003 270 the Previous owner had the outdrive stolen ,so I bought a ned one and when I went to run it with the muffs the water was coming out of the holes in the nose of the drive [I have well water and the pressure is not all it should be ] ,I ended up running it in a tub of water 9this is all before the props were on .my question is I don't think it will fit in a tub with the props on can I remove the belt from the motor so the water pump won't run and run it for a short while on the trailer thanks Greg