Took the waste tank out today

I was in the boat the other day to pull out some window panels to have them redone. While I was in the boat I wanted to inspect the engine room. I saw puddling of water/mold in the aft starboard corner near the waste tank, there was also an odor. I feared the tank was cracked so I decided to pull it out today. I believe the issue was the discharge outlet hose clamps were loose but wanted to pull it out anyway to clean. I guess pumping out doesn't get everything out as it made more of a mess when the tank was ready to come out. Since I have it out I think I'll install a tank saver. I'll also plug all of the holes and pressure test or fill with water to be sure there are no cracks. If needed I will get some poly-weld and fix. Wasn't a fun job!! Wish I took a before pic. I could only imagine doing this job in 90 degree heat!

2008 330EC
Heres a a pic of her in Port Jefferson this fall and a pic of her in "race mode" (windshield down
You are right - this is a great time of year for messing with a holding tank.
well, since we are all off-topic, I'll say timing is appropriate. I had my old ride (1937 Ford P/U) out yesterday. Sure felt nice getting the old girl out and blow smoke! She's all street rod, so a fun little ride!
Aero, that's a beautiful ride! I bet she's fun on those nice days with the top down!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)