WE have a sensor sounding two beeps every minute, but cannot locate which sensor it is. All systems are performing normally. How can I find the malfunction.
Have you looked at the excellent post by @212rowboat. This contributor is a technical wizard and all round (IMO) great guy. Look at the links at the top of the Forum main page - see link "Encountering Faults? Check this out." Respectfully suggest you "check that out" LOL, if you haven't already. Good luck and please keep us posted on how it works-out! I printed @212rowboat's list and kept it on my boats! :-)
Had the same problem last year turned out to be the neutral safety switch ,boat would run fine then when it went over 4000 rpm the alarm would beep every two minutes .Shut down reset and would be fine ,had to take it to a Merc dealer ,took them awhile to figure it out
Did you ever figure this one out? I had similar several years ago with my 270. The mechanic found the IAC muffler in a hose so I assume it was restricting some airflow.