risers on a closed cooling system

So, in my journey of pulling the motor to investigate a leak, I learned that my motor is not a 1/2 closed cooling, it is 100% closed cooling which is what I thought I had purchased and sought when I went looking. Somehow, someone convinced me I did not. Anyway- so the raw water only cools the heat exchanger and then a hose goes over to the riser and then out the boat correct? So I pulled them off to get the exhaust elbows apart removing the motor and under the boot is heavily corroded. Obviously was concerned - but thinking it through, does it really matter? Raw water is not going anywhere except out with exhaust- do I really need to replace them?
You want that raw water spit into the exhaust stream where its intended... If it wears and deteriorates allowing passage straight down into the exhaust manifold it can be pulled back into a cylinder... No bueno.
864309T01 - Exhaust Elbow
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dry-Joint-Exhaust-Elbow-Riser-for-Mercruiser-Marine-Engine-Manifold-864309T02/131534304019?hash=item1ea00e3313:g:brUAAOSws0Jahb30&vxp=mtr2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)