Bimini top no longer fits with eisenglass
Over the past season, my Bimini tops were impossible to put on while using eisenglass. They are to the point now where after pulling so much, the part that wraps around the Bimini rails, the stitching needs repair from tearing. I have left my eisnenglass out in the sun to see if that helps and still very difficult. What would have caused this all of a sudden and what can I do? I am taking the Biminis in for repair, should I have them add fabric to the part that wraps out round the Bimini rails?
I apprecite the help. My camper is almost useless right now which is a problem.
I apprecite the help. My camper is almost useless right now which is a problem.
06 Rinker 270
06 Rinker 270
Same problem here. I think mine shrunk when I washed them and let them dry out on the lawn. I should have put hem back on when they were wet as I done every time before.
I was thinking the same in having the furthest aft bimini pocket made larger.
Let me know how your repair comes out.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
I will try the extenders. Are this the one you have used with success @skennelly
06 Rinker 270
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
06 Rinker 270
Patrick, a household sewing machine will work fine. The only parts that it won't is if you are trying to actually sew thru the isinglass (which is very thick, although the right needle may let it work). As far as thread, as MT mentioned a UV one is best. I went with what I had at the time since I was just doing several spots here and there. I'm glad I don't have to deal with a canvas top anymore!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
@Liberty44140 that is a great wealth of information, thank you. I think the zipper extenders might just be my ticket. Yes, they have that vinyl underside and I have to clean it every other year even and I keep it stored indoors during the winter.
06 Rinker 270