Thanks yes the tiller arm took about 3 hours to take out tried to cut the head off and tap down had to take the whole set up out the pin was rusted in to the arm had to grind down a wrench to fit it the arm . The arm looked good the bolts holding it together were pretty corroded
I use almost the same thing to pull the bearing. Drill a hole in the rod for screw driver so the rod doesn't spin, I wrench it all the way out. Made some starboard circles to install the rig on the bellows.
The rest of my parts will be in tomorrow, I was thinking about cutting the speedometer tube and tap it and put a plug in it ,with the electronics now I really don’t need it
Any tricks to install the water inlet tube I put the rubber bushing in with the retainer then push the tube through and it won’t line up with the retaining tool it collapses
Maybe a deep dish socket or pvc pipe inside the tube to guide it in not much room with the motor there any way their is a different set up their was no plastic hose that came off
Your talking about the water pick up tat goes from the gimbal to the bell housing? The end of it is collapsing? Is the hole corroded? Not sure I'm following your problem, maybe someone else will chime in.
Got a little dark might have to clean the hole out a little I also see they have a different hose looks like I need the one with the two insert that go into both sides the hose that they sent is rubber with a plastic end that slips into a rubber bushing inside the boat it doesn’t look like it will sit right in there
Tried again this morning loaded the parts up with the stuff you use to lube wires up to pull through conduit. it went in but no way will that rubber bushing will fit in the transom when I tighten it down the rubber just compresses it won’t slide into the water hole
Thas the type of hose I just ordered ".......... the one that I got from unwave is different Half plastic 1/2 rubber then you place a rubber bushing inside held with a retainer push the tube through into the bushing and tighten the retainer down to set it in the transom remove the retainer and attach the plastic fitting
I don't know about faster it will steer better .One thing I didn't consider when I decided on the stainless is the weight it sure is a lot heaver that the original one
Is it really solid stainless as in cast stainless? I did not think you could cast stainless like that and I would think it a fortune if you could- sure it is not plated stainless on steel? Either way, sure is pretty! Makes you want to do the same for the gimbal and the outdrive, talk about some bling!
From your description on the hose, it sounds like you were sent the new version for that hose? I did not do it on mine but I have seen the parts the sound like what you got and it is supposed to be a better set up - something about where that hose comes thru the transom plate gets all corroded up and/or blocked up which while I don't understand why, mine was. I already got a new hose with my bellows kit so I'm using it- salt water also has something to do with it as well....not sure why this is supposed to work any better, makes the same turns and connections....
Ok thats what I have had a rough time getting it installed seems the old hose had a lot of corrosion around where it entered It looked like it was metal then I sprayed some wd 40 and a brush on a drill extension after the third try on the second day I finally got it to seat in also the one I took out was collapsed a little in the transom I just can't keep thinking that is sure a small hose to cool that engine ,next year I think Ill chance to a through hull they sell a kit for it ,and the gimbal ring is made by hill marine it was about $850
That transom fitting is notorious for corrosion that restricts the flow of water and causes overheating. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. When it's not restricted, it's enough water to cool a 375-HP big-block. But when there's corrosion, gotta replace or add a thru-hull.
Gimbal ring is on and in the home stretch now . It seems I didn’t order a shift cable I’ll get one local tomorrow and hopefully be in next week ,looks like I haven’t missed any great boating weather it’s been cold and rainy past two weekends .to all the moms and moms to be Have a great Mother’s Day
Got my trim sender switch working the limit switch in the wiring diagram shows it wires to a blue/white wire and a purple/white wire I couldn’t find a location for those wires
Not good today when running the wires for the mercathode I found this in the bilge a piece from the inner transom looks like it was like this for a while if the bilge stays dry I’ll fix it next year
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
From your description on the hose, it sounds like you were sent the new version for that hose? I did not do it on mine but I have seen the parts the sound like what you got and it is supposed to be a better set up - something about where that hose comes thru the transom plate gets all corroded up and/or blocked up which while I don't understand why, mine was. I already got a new hose with my bellows kit so I'm using it- salt water also has something to do with it as well....not sure why this is supposed to work any better, makes the same turns and connections....