I just bought the spectrum patch kit for a long scratch above my rub rail. 2 oz was more than enough, I used 1 oz for the 3 foot shallow scratch. The color is close but due to sun fading not perfect, hoping it matches better as time goes on. I did get the exact color per Rinker. Spectrum directed me to buy from iboats
@Liberty44140 is the patch kit easy to fix a scratch? Last week when launching the boat my wife and daughter didn’t catch the boat in time and it bumped the $h!!tty dock and put two decent size scratches in the boat.
It should work well on a scratch. I filled some major holes on my dash and it looks great. Can only tell if the light hits right.
Yep ditto aero, those pics are the reason I bought the patch kit. It is easy, tape area and apply. Let harden, then sand with 220, 320, 400, 600 and 800. I bought a sand paper kit at advanced auto for $5 that had all of those grits in the kit except 220. Then you polish with a buffer and polishing compound and have a mirror shine. Was an easy project. Just remember my comments that due to sun fade it doesn’t match exact but looks a ton better than it did when scratched. Patch kit was about $41 delivered
I just bought the spectrum patch kit for a long scratch above my rub rail. 2 oz was more than enough, I used 1 oz for the 3 foot shallow scratch. The color is close but due to sun fading not perfect, hoping it matches better as time goes on. I did get the exact color per Rinker. Spectrum directed me to buy from iboats
What color did you get? I have a few spots that need a little attention.
I had a long scratch in the hull I used a auto body spatular, one of those plastic ones and it got it pretty smooth first shot >I didn't want to dig it out like they did in the video I light sanded and compound and you cat even see it
I had a long scratch in the hull I used a auto body spatular, one of those plastic ones and it got it pretty smooth first shot >I didn't want to dig it out like they did in the video I light sanded and compound and you cat even see it
Yes, you can get away with some scratches like that. You want to make sure you have a surface for the paste to grab to.
2005 Rinker 270 boat name Offduty Lake Barkley
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX