Ran on muffs, tough to get water started

launch is Friday so Monday I hooked up a 5 gal bucket to run water through muffs just to make sure all was well. Fired up port first and after 30 sec of no water out drive I shut down. Looked at strainer and still pink. Then went to stbd and had water flow fairly quick, ran with good flow for a minute, Clear strainers. Back to port, this time got water flow pretty quick and had good water flow for over a minute until I shut her down.
so since I had good water flow I am assuming the impeller should be fine from that first 30 sec, right? This will be the second season on impellers. I left the antifreeze in the engines all winter so the water pump was full of liquid when I started them. That was probably my saving grace.
so since I had good water flow I am assuming the impeller should be fine from that first 30 sec, right? This will be the second season on impellers. I left the antifreeze in the engines all winter so the water pump was full of liquid when I started them. That was probably my saving grace.
07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)
B-3s can be a bit tricky to make sure you get water flow from the start. When I had B-3s, I always made sure the air was out of the line and then sealed and held the muffs on tightly while starting it up. I started getting good at doing it by myself, having the hose go behind the back upper part of the drive and keep compression on it, then I'd go start it. I'd lift up the **** just a little until water was through the hose to the drive as well. I think this would help the suction a bit.
Your impeller is probably fine, but worth watching temps on that motor through the summer (and watch water flow if you have vesselview).
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream - yes hand holding the muffs tight on the drive by hand is what got the flow moving nicely. Good point. Yea I figure I'll launch as is and if I see the temp go past normal I will shut down and limp to the dock on one.
Skennelly - the impellers were new for last season so one year. Did you run dry on muffs before launch? Good water flow on muffs?
i don't for one reason only- and that is to prevent corrosion in the water jacket. it can't rust if it's wet... there is nothing worse than discovering a frozen water engine water pump because it seized due to corrosion.
those need to be closed up prior to running on the muffs
Go Steelers!!!