The starboard trim tab is not retracting. It was working at put-in but at first time out only the port side was working. The hydraulic oil level is fine.
You probably have a siezed or cracked actuator. You could put power to it direct and by-pass the switch, then you'll know forsure. Look for cracks or separation on the housing, you might even see water/oil weeping from it when it should be dry. Smart move is to replace both if one is bad.
Go to Lenco's website. They have a troubleshooting guide that will help you find out exactly what the problem is. Been there done that. Good news is boat does not have to come out of the water to fix anything on the system.
Where is that trim tab relay located? When recently try to trace a trim tab issue I found a black box approximately the size of a cig pack very much buried down in the helm underneath the steering mechanism and wiring harness. If that's it I dread the day it'll need service.
The black box is for the 'smart tabs' that retract when the boat is off and have the lights to show you where they are up/down. Otherwise all you are doing for up/down is reversing the current to the relay.
I thought Lenco's had electric actuators, not hydraulic.
2019 MTX20 Extreme
2019 MTX20 Extreme
PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI