This boat is probably worth $35,000 in Europe based on what I've seen for sale. Not sure of import duty costs, but the FV250 fits in a shipping container which could be shipped to London for under $2K. Just throwing this out there.
This boat is probably worth $35,000 in Europe based on what I've seen for sale. Not sure of import duty costs, but the FV250 fits in a shipping container which could be shipped to London for under $2K. Just throwing this out there.
i'll have to keep that in mind when i go to sell mine. i have an 06, with a/c.
I think import duty here in the UK is 1.7%. Value added tax is 20%. Also you should check that the boat has a CE marking plate. It will be by your feet at the helm. These facts are up in the air at the moment due to Brexit. Could change overnight.
Sold to a great family in buffalo! Best forum ever. We should all be very proud of the good quality advice and friendship on this site . Best of luck to all.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
My '06 doesn't have the round mirror in the midberth. I feel cheated.