Heading to DriftJam on Lake Murray

Got most of our stuff packed... going to take the wife and 3 kids to Lake Murray tomorrow for the weekend, sleeping on the hook. Saturday is DriftJam - a giant concert on the lake. We'll hang way back away from the rafted-up rows, but they'll rebroadcast over the FM radio so we can hear.
Anyway, nervous and excited - only our 3rd time overnighting and first trip away from our home ramp on this boat.
Anyway, nervous and excited - only our 3rd time overnighting and first trip away from our home ramp on this boat.
That's me with the boat.
Then we made it too the lake finally, splashed, fueled, and motored out to cool off and get settled when I smelled rain.
So we beat feet to where we'd have the best chance to ride it out. Spence Cove.
Kids thought it was awesome to play with their water- activated flashy lights.
Meanwhile the girls played house inside while daddy listened to some great music outside.
The water was much clearer before the storm, but it's still fun to watch fish swim by.
Bed soon, and tomorrow DriftJam 2018!
Great pictures.
Sunrise, I did not get enough sleep.
Kids got breakfast and a view.
Watched a pontoon scuttle.
Starting to get crowded.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
update and pics plz
No kidding! How many freaking people were on that thing?
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
DriftJam was AWESOME.
Afterwards we went out and looked for a quiet cove, but the lake was crazy with all the traffic suddenly leaving. We spent the next 3 hours rocking around as we tried to cook dinner, cool off, and rest. It got pretty bad, but we checked and there were easily 50 boats in line at the ramp we used.
I finished packing stuff up, flipped on the underwater lights, and went for a swim.
Afterwards I feel asleep on the transom. I woke up an hour or two later: the dog had to go. It was good timing: we had drug anchor and were in 200' of water. I pulled us back into the cove and reset the anchor with more scope, then turned in for the night.
At some point in the night the 5 year old sleptwalk around the boat, so Karen slept with them the rest of the night to be safe.
Getting back to the ramp I had a cluster f$@#. The shallow ramp allowed the aluminum trailer to float, and a slight wind from the stern kept blowing the boat sideways. I ended up at one point stern to the trailer and had to shut down and get out. A nice local, I'm sure laughing on the inside, was kind enough to help me hook the winch strap my 2nd attempt. I was able to wind the boat in to push the trailer against the ramp, and while it took a few extra 'dunks' we got the boat hooked and out.
Pretty uneventful drive home, except for witnessing - and barely avoiding - a bad accident. Caught it on the dash cam too.
At home we emptied the boat out, and while everyone napped I crawled through the boat until I found/ repaired the AC/genny leak. I have a shower sump power issue to troubleshoot, and I flushed/bleached the freshwater tank. We lost the winch handle, so I ordered a replacement. We'll have to splash the boat this week to pump out the holding tank.
All in all: it was a good weekend. What could we do better?
- Better prep of the boat. Traffic in Charleston Thursday night/ Friday morning sucked, so we didn't have a chance to prep it before we left.
- This was our first overnight trip of the year, and third ever on the boat. We pushed it by doing it 3 hours from home.
- We need more food and COLD DRINKS. In hindsight, we could have run the genny to cool the fridge and charge batteries, but we thought it was the source of our leak. We relied on coolers/ice, but there was never enough cold water on board, and we kept filling bottles to have cool water.
- The cockpit fridge/icemaker is inoperative. It worked be nice to have ice, but that ice would only be potable if I maintain the water supply. Might either separate icemaker water supply, or remove it and replace with a second 12V Dometic chest fridge/freezer.
- We need a motion sensor to prevent kids from sleepwalking overboard
- When packing, only bring essentials, in small separate bags, organized by where they are stored on the boat.