7.4 mpi hard start when cold
my friends boat has developed an issue during cold starts.
if the throttle lever is slightly cracked open it fires right up and runs great.
When he fires up the boat with throttle lever in idle position it just crancks and dosent start.
huffs and puffs.
i Told him that it might be iac or tps.
He lives on the west side of the state so I can’t just go there to diagnose.
when throttle Is cracked on a mpi engine and it starts it usually ends up being iac or iac filter but I did see some tps sensor cause the same issue.
if the throttle lever is slightly cracked open it fires right up and runs great.
When he fires up the boat with throttle lever in idle position it just crancks and dosent start.
huffs and puffs.
i Told him that it might be iac or tps.
He lives on the west side of the state so I can’t just go there to diagnose.
when throttle Is cracked on a mpi engine and it starts it usually ends up being iac or iac filter but I did see some tps sensor cause the same issue.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
it’s a trailer boat
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
check the throttle linkage for slop or bind first. if the IAC is mapped almost closed because the throttle plate is opened slightly due to bind or slop, it will manifest almost precisely like a bad IAC. and another thing- if this actually is the issue, it will take the ECM a little bit to remap and account for the new TPS and IAC settings.
he thought it was fuel pressure regulator and I told him if it runs great at full throttle and idles great once warmed up it’s not the culprit.
early 7.4 mpi didn’t have a iac filter new ones do.
i will tell him to clean the throttle body
adjust or check the linkage.
then get iac and tps
awesome area
he ended up cleaning his fire arestor and change out the iac
problem solved
i usually go to his cottage there twice a year
once in the summer and once in the winter
we use to sled together but after my motorcycle accident I gave that up. Not because I am scared lol because my back can’t take it