Ski locker Captiva 285

I am unable to get the water to flow out of the ski locker . Tried today once more with a coat hanger ..almost got the full length down the hole but cannot get the water to flow .. Any ideas ? I think because of this I get water on the floor in the cabin. Can another hole be drilled in another position in the locker maybe on the side wall .
There are openings in the cross support stringers along the bottom of your boat that allow water to flow back to the bilge area. These openings are probably plugged with debris (leaves and mud #1 culprits). I had same issue on my 232.
I removed the plastic molded base of the ski locker, poured in bilge cleaner and let it sit for a while to breakdown debris. Then I ran an electricians fish tape down through the openings so water can flow back to bilge area. Once flowing I ran water from garden hose into ski locker area to flush out cleaner and more debris.
Do this with drain plug out though so that debris doesn't plug bilge pump. I had so much debris built up that I had to use a wire to pull chunks through drain plug opening.
Good luck.