It was on Table Rock. Not to say the company isn't at fault, but if you've never spent time in the Midwest and seen how fast those storms can come up on you from nowhere, it may be more difficult to understand. A beautiful da can suddenly be ugly in a matter of minutes. I've been caught out on the lake before in them.
A pfd in an enclosed boat like that is a death trap. You get pinned to the ‘top’. They needed the pfd’s and abandon ship. I’m sure once the water started pouring in it was far too late.
yes,table rock=horrible=it was over our house and my office about a hour b4 it hit=20k without in power in springfield/which is 1hr north of table rock=we had no clue till the sky turned black and the tornado sirens going off=the body of water where they were is a wide open =long wide stretch = they say 3/4ft white caps =we just didnt feel like going down...going down tomorrow to check on boat and clean her up for the next...last weekend we just made it in and **** broke loose..rained as hard as i have ever seen for seemed 2 understanding a fellow 300 got caught=said it was a traumatic experience.. dont say anything bad=or shoulda ..coulda..or i woulda ..just say a prayer for the families and table rock
Many years back I took my family on a ride there on one of those Ducks, Very slow way under powered, I think t was a 4 cy diesel. A very heavy boat/truck maybe 4 mph in the water. Very sad, plan a day of family fun, bad decision on the captains part to go out. It's my understanding they knew storm's were coming.
We went on one of those last year here in Pittsburgh. They are slow and sit pretty low in the water. I don't think it would take much to swamp one. I would be nervous in 1-2' waves.
Very dangerous body of water it is. My first time out on my new 2004 Lund 1950 Tyee I had my 3 kids (7-9-11) and wife on and while breaking the motor in and tying fishing for the boys it went from 90 sunny to dark and 3-4 foot waves over the bow. Picked the boat up night before in Chicago and was having GPS chip sent to my hotel so I had no clue where I was. Right before I was going to beach it a guy on a dock told me where to go. Very scary, as for the Duck rides they put very little emphasis on vest that are tethered to the ceiling and even if they could get one probably wouldn't know how to use it or how to put it on your kid. Very sad accident that could have been prevented for sure, prayers go out to all the families.
I'm not sure of the history of the boat in this tragedy, but most of these boats used in tourist areas are the original amphibious military DUKW boats built 1942 - 1945. They were intended for limited time use in warfare. I remember living in England in the Sixties they were very cheap on the surplus military market. I have said for years I would never set foot on one, they just aren't that seaworthy. Here is the history:
Our Harbour Hopper is restricted to within 100 feet of shore and not allowed out if winds exceed 22kph. Luckily we are not prone to those sudden violent storms in our area. Sad story for sure.
2 years ago we had our 246, 350 MAG MPI B-3 down at Table Rock. Was a beautiful sunny day then we saw dark clouds forming. We were south of the hwy 86 bridge, about 11 miles from our slip then the rain started. We went wide open throttle and just as we got the boat in the slip it really cut loose with blinding rain and hail and very strong winds. We were thankful we didn't get caught out in the thick of it. Yeah, those ducks are not very sea worthy. Low freeboard and a bow that plows instead of cuts through waves, and very slow & under powered.
"A federal indictment shows 51-year-old Kenneth Scott McKee is facing 17 counts of misconduct, negligence or inattention to duty by a ship's officer resulting in death. "
Which was my point...captain may have not been a grew one but I recall reading this storm came out of no where. We had a bow rider and were caught in what we call a straight line storm and it went from glass to 3' waves, on the intercostal! Bikini tops were shredded. We made it into a marina before the worst, unthinkable for what might have happened if we had not...
The storm happened quickly, but not without warning. Warnings of 60+ mph wind were issued before the duck boats got underway. Both captains either ignored them or failed to check the weather.
Those kind of storms are what we call "Tuesday" in this part of the country, during the spring. They seriously happen all the time and are like any other spring time storm here. The captain should have been familiar with that, as we see it all the time.
2007 300 EC, 350 Mags, B3's, Table Rock Lake, MO
PC BYC, Holland, MI
dont say anything bad=or shoulda ..coulda..or i woulda ..just say a prayer for the families and table rock
Not good if a storm just pops up on a nice day....
guess best thing is to outlaw all of them
they just had this last weekend = it was a nice touch = huge turnout=great day
Probable cause for 'negligence' in Missouri duck boat tragedy, Coast Guard finds
No one has been charged criminally in connection with the duck boat sinking.