Sad event at race to mackinac
What's scary is they said he was wearing an inflatable vest that didn't inflate. Wife and I wear inflatables all the time.
It was a small craft advisory 7 to 8 foot waves...but these sailors are hardcore
What's scary is they said he was wearing an inflatable vest that didn't inflate. Wife and I wear inflatables all the time.
It was a small craft advisory 7 to 8 foot waves...but these sailors are hardcore
2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I've owned several but made sure they were all also automatic. The manual pull cord ones don't do you any good if you hit your head or get a snoot full of water and panic. I admit i don't always wear it as much as I should in my 270 but generally do if alone and particularly if I have to climb up on the deck or out on the swim platform.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I've owned several but made sure they were all also automatic. The manual pull cord ones don't do you any good if you hit your head or get a snoot full of water and panic. I admit i don't always wear it as much as I should in my 270 but generally do if alone and particularly if I have to climb up on the deck or out on the swim platform.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
That guy should have had a lanyard and clipped onto the boat. Big error.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)