1994 Rinker 180 Manual

I am looking for a manual for a 1994 Rinker 180.  Any idea where I can get my hands on one?


  • MyWifeMadeMeBuyItMyWifeMadeMeBuyIt Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2018
    I have a Rinker boat owner's manual that came with my 1992 Captiva 186 although it is not year or model specific and I have a Mercruiser Alpha One V6 Model manual copyright 1991. I also have a Mercruiser Alpha One 4.3L 4.3LX Installation manual copyright 1991.
  • WillhoundWillhound Member Posts: 4,215 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    I am looking for a manual for a 1994 Rinker 180.  Any idea where I can get my hands on one?
    Welcome @MarcCampbell
    A quick search of the forum using the search box at the top right of the page will show that this question has come up numerous times, I even asked it when I first got my Rinker 270. The quick answer is that there really are not any model specific manuals and any manuals that do exist cover just basics like safe operating procedures, disclaimers, etc.
    Manuals do exist for the various operating systems and are specific to the sub-component manufacturer's i.e., Mercury/Mercruiser for engines and drives, electronics manufacturers etc,
    Now, on the other hand, if you want a manual for historical purposes to complete the package, then E-bay is likely your best source. You can try Rinker to see if they have a PDF of the original, or any old stock, but I'd have to say it's doubtful.
    I've had success in past contacting Ginger Abbs at Rinker at gabbs@rinkerboats.com
    Malary Wagner is also a good contact but I don't have her e-mail at the moment. Using the search function should turn it up. Good Luck!
    Edit: just noticed the original post was back in July! This head cold has me messed up more than I thought !  :s
    "Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
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