Rinker Boats Summer Kickoff Photo Contest

Summer is finally here! And to celebrate the chance to get back out on the water, we just launched the Rinker Boats Summer Kickoff Photo Contest! Through July 7, just click here to upload your favorite pics taken onboard or near your Rinker Express Cruiser or Rinker Captiva Sport Boat or Rinker MTX.
One winner will receive a $50 gift card and a full summer of bragging rights! It’s never been easier to participate because now all entries and voting will be done via Facebook. We invite you to enter up to 10 photos and vote up to once each day for your favorites. There are also some great options for you to share your photos with your friends and encourage them to vote for you and the other best entries.
Once the contest period is over, we’ll give the Top 3 to our illustrious panel of judges who will determine the final winner based on four key criteria: 1) Creativity 2) Inspiring to other boaters 3) How well photo depicts boat brand 4) Quality of photo.
We want this to be a fun contest and to challenge everyone to take some great photos of their friends and family out on the water. Of course, there is no purchase or payment of any kind necessary to enter or win this contest. Just read up on all the Official Rules to make sure your entry is eligible for the prize.
Let’s get this party started!
I will give a try....
You have to love the water....
Len & Robyn 342 FV Freebird
Does someone have a link to the facebook site for this//////
You have to love the water....
Len & Robyn 342 FV Freebird
Been traveling , boating, you know, summer stuff!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing beats being on the water!
All I've wanted was to just have fun.
First weekend out. Cold icy waters off Newfoundland. More than the usual number of icebergs this year.
Our first boat, 2010 Captiva 246 BR. Pick her up next week. Can't wait!!!
Great two weeks ( Canada - Thousand islands)