Pics and problems from the weekend
So took my boat out this past weekend and was on it for a full day for the first time since I've owned it. Tied up with some boats from the marina at the sandbar (one of them being another 342) and sat out there for a good 12 hours.
A couple things I found out while being out there is, definitely need to install a big orange filter (already ordered and shipped) thing smelled absolutely awful when the toilet flushed. I also noticed both my cockpit fridge and cabin fridge did not work on DC. This was kind of a surprise, I checked the panel and everything was turned on, so I think I'm going to have to pull them out and check with a volt meter and see if there is any power. I guess for now the generator is going to be used a lot till I figure it out.

A couple things I found out while being out there is, definitely need to install a big orange filter (already ordered and shipped) thing smelled absolutely awful when the toilet flushed. I also noticed both my cockpit fridge and cabin fridge did not work on DC. This was kind of a surprise, I checked the panel and everything was turned on, so I think I'm going to have to pull them out and check with a volt meter and see if there is any power. I guess for now the generator is going to be used a lot till I figure it out.

He said he had never used tank deodorant before. Now he's converted.
Less than $1 per packet. Just sayin', if it works for you, it's cheaper and easier than adding a charcoal filter.
My plan is to install the filter, go get a pump out while filling the tank up with water a couple
times to rinse it and then pour a bunch of aqua kem down the toilet.
Was the first thing I thought when I saw the pictures too!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
@craigswardmtb This I did not try, but will play around with it tomorrow and see if its just user error. (crossing my fingers)
@Handymans342 I'm sure there is!