Just bought a 2013 Captiva 246 B/R. Is it worth buying the filler pad for the aft sun pad?

cap246cap246 Member Posts: 9
Is it worth buying the filler pad for the aft sun pad.  Salesman told me at time of sale that they would get it if they didn't have it.  Never returned my phone call.  Has anyone ever ordered it from Rinker?

Best Answers

  • bat32bat32 Member Posts: 161 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I didn't get it because I liked the dedicated walk through without having to always flip up the pad.  I just had an upholstery shop make a small upright back cushion to enlose the lounge while under way.  The admiral and kids have pleanty of room to still lay out.



  • BabyboomerBabyboomer Member Posts: 918 mod

    Slip 866 Sunset Marina Byrdstown Tn
  • raybo3raybo3 Administrator Posts: 5,511 admin
    Hey cap246 welcome to the RBOC and good luck with your new ride...
    2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA. popyc.org     raybo3@live.com
  • bat32bat32 Member Posts: 161 ✭✭✭
    jtkz13 said:
    I have a 276 Cuddy, so not apples-to-apples, but I wish we ordered the aft filler pad. It would be another area in addition to the sunpad to layout. The seats are ok to lay on, but a little awkward.

    It would be alot nicer for our chocolate lab to lay on too. :)
    First off I love the 276's.  I f I had a little more jingle in my pocket at the time of purchase that would have been it.  But I believe once you get to the 276 the sun pad is foldable?  Ours is stationary and pretty big. 


  • Capt_SteveCapt_Steve Member Posts: 281 admin
    @cap246 ... if you decide to get the filler pad, you can email Malary in Rinker Parts (mwagner@nauticglobalgroup.com) if you can't get it through the dealer. You can usually save a little $$ through the dealer, because they can combine shipping on big items already headed to the dealership.
  • cap246cap246 Member Posts: 9
    I asked the dealer (owner) for this when I bought the boat.  It was supposed to be included.  Since my purchase they don't want to be bothered.  Their service department told me about a week after the purchase that it would have had to been special ordered when I bought the boat. I have left a message for the owner of the dealership but my phone call was never returned.
  • Capt_SteveCapt_Steve Member Posts: 281 admin
    Bob ... VERY disappointed to hear this. Who is your dealer? 
  • cap246cap246 Member Posts: 9
    I have to go back there for warranty work and don't want to paint a target on me.  Unfortunately they are the only Rinker dealer in a 100 mile radius and I didn't buy a trailer.
  • seguirseguir Member Posts: 170 ✭✭✭

    We ordered one for are 280 EC.   We have only been boating for 2 months now and have used it 4 times.  Once for my daughter who likes to sun bath, and three times by myself for sleeping when it got a bit crowded below.    Love it.


  • Black_DiamondBlack_Diamond Member Posts: 5,439 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The dealer can be the weakest link, I was glad to be done with mine.

    Past owner of a 2003 342FV
    PC BYC, Holland, MI
  • franchrmfranchrm Member Posts: 40 ✭✭

    Cap246 - We have an 08 246 with a filler pad. We rarely use it but it is very nice when we do.  With it in the down position my kids and friends  are constantly stepping on he large sun pad to enter and exit the boat which is starting to show some wear on the seams. 

    My $.02....I would rather not have it.  The rear pad is quite large without it.


  • 2007Rinker2462007Rinker246 Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    We have the filler pad on 07 246. My wife loves it and it is quite comfortable to relax on. 2 things though: At least on my year/model, the hinges stick out slightly into the walkway and I have scraped my legs on them a time or two. Most importantly, if you do add this feature, absolutely make sure you have a rubber bumper on the support leg for when the pad gets laid over against the gelcoat. It looks like Rinker has finally added this. I put my own on, but not before having to fix damaged gelcoat due to the leg making hard contact with the side of  the boat from people flipping the pad over and not realizing what was about to take place.
  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭

    We ordered the flip-up filler sunpad for our 2011 Rinker 226XL. It was one of the best options we ordered. Used it all the time and it made for a more stream lined  "cooler" look. Like bat32 we had our dealer (Lens Cove) upholstery guru (Brenda) make a fill-in back cushion which was a great idea. I am really sorry to hear that your dealer is such an *******e. That doesn't make for a good experience or confidence in their ability to service your boat right. If you have questions bring them here - the guys on this list have your back! ;-)  MT

  • MarkBMarkB Member Posts: 3,986 ✭✭✭✭✭
    We bought the filler cushion for our 260 EC. We've used it once in two years. The rest of the time it takes up room in the aft cabin. I don't think I would by it if I had to do it again. Actually I didn't want to when I bought the boat, but I didn't have a choice. My wife pretty much made sure I got it. Lol.

    Boat Name: King Kong

    "Boat + Water = Fun"

  • DZDZ Member Posts: 55 ✭✭
    We like the hinged filler pad on our 246BR. Agree that unless you flip it open for guests, people will walk across the rest of the sundeck on the engine hatch cover, but it is nice to have to make the pad bigger. It's also nice in its upright 45-degree angle position to rest against when anchored or docked.

    The biggest problem is the poor quality of Rinker upholstery seams, which tear under normal use. We'll be pulling the engine hatch pad this winter to have the seams repaired, as we have with several seat cushions and the flip-up pad the last couple years. Luckily, we have a master upholstery guy in the family who fixes them perfectly.
  • MankMank Member Posts: 22

    I have a 2013 246BR and did not get the filler pad, and my wife and daughter still lay out on the back and are very comfortable.  We did not like the idea of having to flip the filler pad up every time someone wanted to walk through or a real pain when skiing or tubing going back and forth.  However, we did get the front filler pads and those are very nice to use.  

  • samp232samp232 Member Posts: 29
    I have an 05 232 b/r and am looking for the filler cant seem to get a lead no one, think im going to attempt to make one......
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