Midship bildge pump pumping into shower

jhofmannjhofmann Member Posts: 430 ✭✭✭
My 2000 FV242 has a midhsip bildge pump and a shower sump under the stairs that seem to use the same overboard through hull. If the bildge pump kicks on, it pushes the water up through the shower (bathroom floor) drain until the bildge pump shuts off. It then slowly drains back into the bildge through the bildge pump and starts the proccess again, over and over. If I use a shop vac on the outside of the through hull when there is water in the shower, it will pull water out, and then the shower drain sump kicks on when ever water goes down the drain with no issues, until the bildge pump kicks on, and the process starts all over. Anyone have any ideas?


  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,091 ✭✭✭✭✭
    On my 2001 242 they use separate through hull fittings (pretty sure). The bilge water shouldn't be routed to the shower sump.
    2008 330EC
  • jhofmannjhofmann Member Posts: 430 ✭✭✭
    There are 4 through hull fittings on the starboard side amidships, the bathroom sink drain, the drain for the step down area by the cabin door, the air conditioner pump discharge, and one more. There is a shower sump, with it's own pump, and a bildge pump with a seperate float switch for the midship bildge area that must share that overboard discharge. 
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