Does a volvo penta 5.7 GXi-A have a high pressure valve and Fuel pressure regulator?

dgblockdgblock Member Posts: 1
My fuel cell/pump is bad again (whinnying) and having watched various videos I want to check the High pressure reading (Shrader valve) and the fuel pressure regulator. On the videos I've seen on later models of the 5.7 Gxi I see where the HP valve is and the fuel pressure regulator is located.... Don't see them on my unit. Any thoughts on where they are if even available at all on this older unit (2001) ?



  • rsocey2174rsocey2174 Member Posts: 3
    fuel pressure reg is next to right riser , there is a cap on the shrader.  fuel pressure has a vac line and small metal clip, dont drop it , they are 36.00 .   hope this helps
  • Aqua_AuraAqua_Aura Member Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    I found and he was a super help to me. Maybe he will have a good replacement for you for cheaper of you need it. I have the odd ball fuel pump on my 8.1 that was almost impossible to find from outside the dealer which cost $1300. I got a really good rebuild from him for $500. You probably have seen his videos on YouTube. 
    1997 Bayliner 3988
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