Nice pics! Our 270 summer been about the same. Also like that spacer that keeps the bimini frame from rattling against the radar arch. Did those come with the boat or aftermarket?
yep=lucky no gators where we float = but something did brush my foot today = moved like i was 18 again. @shawnmjr they were on the boat when we bought = takes a lot of rattle and noise away
@luvinlife = we bought at walmart = online shows sold out=might check yours local or more google = so far great ==ez to inflate/de flate...roll up...1 guy that has used is 230 problems
and thank you.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
@shawnmjr they were on the boat when we bought = takes a lot of rattle and noise away
Was floating and swimming a half mile from them.
or more google = so far great ==ez to inflate/de flate...roll up...1 guy that has used is 23