farias depth finder

I can't shut off the alarm on my farias depth finder that came as standard equipment on my captiva 246. I have the shallow depth set at 2ft and the deep at 199. Alarm will go off for time to time for no reason. Any one know how to shut the alarm off. Instruction manual is useless.
I would be all over the dealer. Case in point.....a friend bought a boat recently (not a Rinker though). Faria depth gauge was not working at all. After taking the helm apart, I found that the transducer wasn't even plugged in. Now, it may have dislodged during shipment but if it was assembled properly, there's no way the weatherpack connector should have come apart. I hold the dealer responsible as they are the ones who should have checked everything out prior to delivery. Isn't that what PDI means??!?
2019 MTX20 Extreme
I hear you. I am totally discouraged with dealers of any kind whether it be cars & trucks, small engines, ATV's, sleds or boats. Truly great service just doesn't seem to exist any longer and is extremely hard to find.
Is this the manual you are referring to?
2019 MTX20 Extreme