Need some insight on my insurance quote
So this is my first year with my 342 my previous boating experience was with my Chap 260sig for 3 years.
When I purchased my 260 I went with Progressive because I use USAA for everything but they don't offer marine insurance and have a partnership. No big deal was only $500 bucks a year didn't think much about it.
I purchased my 342 this past Feb and Progressive quoted me 3k, almost had a heart attack but at the time just wanted to make sure I was insured during transportation and everything else so I just paid. Now the boat is on land and laid up for the winter I'm ready to make a change.
Reading threads on the forum a lot of people recommended Global Marine, so I submitted an application and received a quote this morning. Being so new in the marine world, and to be honest dealing with insurance in general this all confusing and not sure if this would be acceptable coverage, and what's Progressive is covering that AIG isn't and vice/versa.
One big thing I did notice is that AIG motor and drive depreciation is 7 years and Progressive offers Propulsion Plus, not sure if this is a big deal or not.
Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated!

When I purchased my 260 I went with Progressive because I use USAA for everything but they don't offer marine insurance and have a partnership. No big deal was only $500 bucks a year didn't think much about it.
I purchased my 342 this past Feb and Progressive quoted me 3k, almost had a heart attack but at the time just wanted to make sure I was insured during transportation and everything else so I just paid. Now the boat is on land and laid up for the winter I'm ready to make a change.
Reading threads on the forum a lot of people recommended Global Marine, so I submitted an application and received a quote this morning. Being so new in the marine world, and to be honest dealing with insurance in general this all confusing and not sure if this would be acceptable coverage, and what's Progressive is covering that AIG isn't and vice/versa.
One big thing I did notice is that AIG motor and drive depreciation is 7 years and Progressive offers Propulsion Plus, not sure if this is a big deal or not.
Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated!

It's good coverage. The $1M fuel spill is good, but you might ask USAA for a price on a $1M umbrella policy. That would cover fuel spill and much more.
After the crazy rate increase from BoatUS insurance, I went to a local insurance broker who got me a policy with International Marine Underwriters. We did agreed hull value of $62k and $500k liability and my premium for the year was $425. Pollution, uninsured boater etc. are included as line items but included in the base price. I can increase the liability coverage and the rate will go up a little.
I kept the center console with BoatUS insurance because these guys wouldn't insure that small of a boat.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Also good idea @LaRea will also look into adding an umbrella for extra security
PC BYC, Holland, MI
ah OK. FYI all your Michigan boaters: check out Fremont Insurance on their boat/yacht policy, I pay about $600/yr with fixed value. Covers my dinghy, motor, and depreciation protection on engines and outdrives.
Just a happy customer. I do not work for them! lol
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I guess I'm partly to blame for some global marine switches. I am a very happy customer with them for 7 years and unfortunately two large claims. Both were handled extremely well and very minimum rise is premiums.
like you said, hopefully you never need to use it.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express