2005 342 engine hatch works intermittently

My engine hatch works intermittently. I thought it was a bad battery, so being a new to me boat I replaced them all. Turned out to be a good thing since they were between 6 and 10 years old. The hatched worked great for 2 weeks. I let it sit for 2 weeks now no go, I have to jump it to work. The boat is out of the water for the winter so I have power hooked up and have the battery charger on thinking one battery may have been drained but still no go. I looked at the switch, which has like 7 wires going to it and saw no sign of heating up. Anyone been down this road? I am thinking there must be a relay that has a connection issue? Is there a place I could find the wiring schematic? Any help would be much appreciated.
The switch at the dash just reverses the power for up/down. Check you have good connections there.
PC BYC, Holland, MI