Congrats! Yes I would want Axius and a hard top. Knowing Rinker the Generator and Windlass will be standard. I assume this comes standard with 5.0/305 twin engines? That is fine and standard for this boat. If there is an option for 5.7/350 twins of course that would be ideal. If you have 10 people on the boat you may struggle to get on plane with the 305's wheras the 350's will be the more power you need, but the 305's are fine. I had a 310 with twin 305's and I was able to plane fine with 6-7 adults, tabs down, and a disgusting bottom. Any idea what the price difference is between engine packages?
If you are buying new, definitely go with the larger 5.7 twins. Also go with fresh water cooled. I will say I had an older 310 with the 5.0 twins and the boat never had any issues. But, as most people would agree, if you have a choice and don't mind the extra expense, go with the larger engines.
Looking at the web site ... The 6.2 engine is only $7k more than the 4.5, so definitely get the 6.2.
White hull ... so much less maintenance than dark colors. I'm a big believer in radar, so I'd have that on my shopping list. TECMA toilet with holding tank -- yes please. Automatic trim tabs -- nice but definitely not necessary. Foredeck sun pad -- can't believe they want $1000 for it. Sirius radio -- only if you listen to talk radio, because their music audio quality is poor. Subwoofer -- yes! Safe -- not unless you plan on keeping a handgun onboard.
@mareeniville - I bought a 2013 EC 310 - same boat. Get the 350 magnums with Axius. The Axius is a must for fun boating but more important for re-sale. Speaking of fun and re-sale also get the 350 Magnums. You will ALWAYS be glad you did. If this boat is not underpowered (think 5.0 liter) you will never have issues getting onto plane and will actually get BETTER gas mileage with the 350 Mags. Of course you could get the 377 mags if you really want to fly!
Not sure why you would need closed cooling in fresh water. Maybe for resale value. Keep in mind those heat exchangers will need to be replaced some day. I had a neighbor do his to the tune of 2 grand. Just my opinion though . Either way it will be a nice ride. Good luck
Keep in mind, the old 5.0 MPI, the 350 MAG and 6.2 MPI that were based on a GM block are no longer produced as new from Mercury. They redesigned their small blocks from the ground up, or block up, a few years ago.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
White hull ... so much less maintenance than dark colors. I'm a big believer in radar, so I'd have that on my shopping list. TECMA toilet with holding tank -- yes please. Automatic trim tabs -- nice but definitely not necessary. Foredeck sun pad -- can't believe they want $1000 for it. Sirius radio -- only if you listen to talk radio, because their music audio quality is poor. Subwoofer -- yes! Safe -- not unless you plan on keeping a handgun onboard.
Happy shopping!
All the pics I see are FWC also.
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Go Steelers!!!
Go Steelers!!!