Fuel water separator
Member Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭✭✭
so got all my filters to change everything got a fuel water separator for the generator and the engine and the engine oil and a filter for the generator. I start doing everything and I come to realize and I swear I changed it before a fuel water separator for engine. I have a fuel line from the tank to a filter and then to the electric fuel pump with no fuel water separator at least that I can I see. I also really tend to still make a mess even with a little pump for the engine oil. I have the tube on the bottom of the pan that goes through the drain plug but I pull it back up through and stick my little hose in there and got engine oil everywhere again. Is that filter somewhere else I'm not seeing it? It's hard to believe that the generator has a fuel water separator and a fuel filter and the motor does not. It's a 350 MPI. I had the motor out I sure don't recall seeing it stuck anywhere else.