Boating's most stressful day
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So I thought I'd put it out there. I know that we all love our boats. We spend all summer enjoying them and all winter wishing that we could be on them (at least us northerners). But man, I find launch time the most stressful week of the year, especially launch day (this friday). Making sure that everything is waxed, lubed and ready, weather is decent (I have a 5 mile run to our marina but its all back bay), etc... I end up so stressed about "what if's" by launch day that there is zero excitement. Who else finds this time stressful? What do you do to chill the F out (other than have a cold one when its done ).....
07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)
It was also a very long day. We would park our car at the boat yard. Take the cruise and then have to take a train back to the boat yard to get the car. Literally took 8 hours to do it all.
Now we have moved to a marina that's right next door to our boat storage and so from launch to slip is maybe a mile away.
Not sure how the wife and I dealt with the stress of it all...I guess it was the thrill of being back on the water again took over.
Usually my stress is that first long 10-day trip. Our first day of our trip at the end of June is about 150 miles the first day. That is when I have all those same thoughts as you do Liberty. But add on the thoughts of everyone on the boat, with it fully packed for 10 days.
I did have one of the first summers with this boat that we didn't make it far on our 10 day trip. We spun the hub not even 2 miles out. & learned that it can take a while to get the props (we really lucked out and only missed 3 days of that trip cause the spun hub was on the RH rotation & not LH - which can take months to get. During those 3 days we actually had one of the best weekends ever on the boat right nearby with all of our friends). Needless to say, we now carry a set of spare props.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Pray for good weather???
The next day run up the river is always a little tentative as I open her up for the first time. But good winter storage and start up prep is the key.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
chris that is one heck of a run! Nice map, that would be a little nerve wracking but I’d guess that once you pass 15 miles you feel a lot better.
Icoultha I am the same. I’m at the helm being lowered in crapping a brick. What will leak? Will the water pumps pump, engines start, impellers ok, etc. in reality it doesn’t matter, I can make it 5 miles on one engine if I had to, or the storage place has merc mechanics and they can take care of it within a few days, just still winds me up! I will dock after being launched and wait for temp to climb and stop.
The Admiral has a wicked right jab.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
And Captain Ron said if its going to happen it will happen out there.
But this year has definitely been stressful. First off, I bit off a bunch of spring installs like a new waste tank and a new swim platform. Also wanting to fix some gouges in the hull and shiner her up with PoliGlow.
But what is most stressful is that our marina is under new ownership and the new owner, bless his heart, has decided to do a bunch of upgrades that are badly needed. One of them was ripping out the old ramp and replacing it, except after ripping out the old one, the weather hasn't cooperated enough to pour the new one, so launch should have been yesterday, didn't happen, and now we haven't yet seen an announcement for the expected replacement date. I'm ok with that because of the work I still want to get done and the weather looks like crap for the next two weeks anyway. But the not knowing a date is killing me because I have no way of planning how quickly I need to get things done, or even how much more I can plan before we go in.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Go Steelers!!!
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