Spectrum Gel coat repair kit
Question... I need to do a few minor touch ups to my 2005 Captiva 232. Gel coat colors are as follows: top deck is "Sand White", Rinker color 4016, and hull is "Black Onyx", Rinker color 4021. No problem for the Sand White, as it is available in a Spectrum Gel coat repair kit for around $35.00. The Black Onyx is the problem... it is only available in a gallon for ~$250.00 (of which I would probably only use a few tablespoons, and end up throwing the rest of the gallon in the garbage), and does not come in a repair kit format. Any ideas where else I might get some kind of repair kit in a smaller quantity for the Black Onyx color? PS... i wish the gel coat looked as nice as in the pic now ;(

2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)