Anode Replacement

Planned to replace anodes on 330. 1st time to try such a project. Always heard they should be replaced when 50% used up by weight. Never knew what 50% looked like. So I bought 2 sets of Magnesium anodes (freshwater boater). Figured I'd be smart and weigh each piece , then compare to weight of what I take off to get an idea. Haven't done project yet (boat is 100 miles away still covered) but I remembered the broker replaced the prop anodes last Spring when I bought the boat since he reconditioned props and said they would look better with new anodes. Just today I remembered I kept the old ones, so I weighed an old one and compared to weight of new one. New is 130 grams, old is 158 grams. WHAT??? That's backwards.
So, some questions. New ones are from boat Are they apt tp be significantly lighter than new ones form Merc?
Is it possible original anode was a different metal which is significantly heavier than magnesium? Boat was freshwater only, bought from original owner.
So, some questions. New ones are from boat Are they apt tp be significantly lighter than new ones form Merc?
Is it possible original anode was a different metal which is significantly heavier than magnesium? Boat was freshwater only, bought from original owner.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
So I guess my little experiment doesn't tell me much about the difference in weight from a used Mg and a new one UNLESS someone out there has some pics of used Mg and weighs them and posts their weight and photos here.
Thanks guys.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Here's the anode the broker replaced on my 330 when I bought it. No idea how old it is. But working the math that Al is 49% heavier than Mg, this turns out to be 18% used up. Definitely more uniformly pitted than anodes of @Willhound.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I kinda agree with @Willhound that it may not be a linear rate of disintegration. When I get the rest of mine changed (next week?) I'll bring them home, weigh and report. At least it will give me somewhat of an idea in my situation about how fast they're eroding.
New ones are Mg, old are Al. I used the conversion that the Al would be 149% heavier than Mg when new.
But, assuming all started life equal, here's my results.
Flat trim tab is 89% of original
Plate is 93% of original
Old prop anode is 82% original and 1 year prop anode is 96%
Ram anodes are 91% original