Calling all 4x4 hill marine owners...any vibration?

I've noticed some vibration starting around the time I got the new props put on.. it's slight, but it's there and is easy to feel at the right RPM. I do NOT remember it being there before and now someone else is reporting the same thing. Seems to be strongest right before pushing the throttle up to get on plane, somewhere around 2600-3600 RPMs... anyone else notice this?
Especially interested if you have ZERO vibration in the boat with 4x4's..
Especially interested if you have ZERO vibration in the boat with 4x4's..
Best Answers
Robs_232 Member Posts: 212 ✭✭✭
I put these on my boat and don't have any vibration and I used a torque wrench. I don't remember them showing a prop timing with the 4 x 4 props. -
Black_Diamond Member Posts: 5,439 ✭✭✭✭✭
The Merc manual for installing props on the B-III specifies to click them. I did with my 4x4’s. Lots of discussion about to do or not. I figured the reasoning is worthwhile.Past owner of a 2003 342FV
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
PC BYC, Holland, MI
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
If you have dropped to a lower pitch (diameter and rake being the same) there should be less stress on your gear sets.
Agree with @Willhound.....but is Hill Marine really a "custom" shop or are they more mass producing now that they are a bigger company. I have purchased expensive SS props before and have had to get them blueprinted even though they were supposedly "custom".
The only custom props I ever received that were beyond reproach were from an outfit called Indiana Propeller. I don't think they are in business still.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
IF and I say IF I had to choose between under revving or over revving in my rpm band I'd pick over revving and watch the tach at WOT.
That said there is so much choice these days that the correct pitch, number of blades or some custom tuning should put almost anything in its right operating range.
Yes, @Willhound, I do think good manufacturers test props - maybe not every one, but random to ensure quality. Great ones test them all but those are expensive. I have found Mercruiser props to be better than most off the shelf units as their quality seems more consistent.
Bottom line to me is that with a noticeable vibration I might check the run-out of the shaft or even the installation of the prop - for example proper thrust washer, even another set of props before I started blue printing props.
PC BYC, Holland, MI