Anybody ever seen this in a carb?

So been having trouble with our boat running so ordered a carb kit and this is what the inside looks like. I have rebuilt dozen of carbs in my day and have never seen one like this. Any ideas what this is and what caused it? Looks like little tiny light tan granules but not a sand texture. I'm thinking it is related to ethanol?

It does both. I've used startron for many winters with success.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
I usually use pri g but in my smaller stuff ive been using stabil because i have it. Once my pri g is up im going to try marine stabil with ethanol treatment. About 200 gallons of treatment is less tham 20 bucks at Academy sports. I cannot buy it from my distributors for that price and that's 15 bucks less than about the same treatment size my cost of pri G. I should also add i only buy 91 to 93 octane.
At the shop i buy qt 10%ethanol high test which is run in everything we sell or repair. We work on or sale hundreds of pieces of equipment every week and some customers wait 6 months or even more to pick up equipment then expect it to start and run as if it was repaired yesterday. Once i started stabilizing all our fuel cans i quit having to rebuild cabs a 2nd time for free( i also now charge 2 dollars a day storage after 30 days) but other than batteries dying from sitting and tires leaking down our repeat carb issues are 90% eliminated.
Id buy high octane non ethanol if it were convenient but usually all non ethanol i find is 87 oct and that's good for what? Certainly not good for storage or anything 2 stroke, high compression or that works at loads seen by a boat.
I try not to even look at the price im paying when i fill up the rinker. I just watch the fuel gauge.
Your boat is also probably efi, everything down to the timing is controlled on the fly. My 650 holly doesn't atomize fuel as well on that early 90s/late 80s probably a flat tapped cam and needs all the help she can get! Im not saying i couldn't get away with running 87, I'd just rather not try.