What size and type of gas generator do I put on a 2010 260 EC

I'm a Rookie! Just bought my first Rinker and first weekender. Great boat only 340 hours. I am wanting to put a rebuilt gen set on it. I need some direction on what I need.
Thanks for any help in advance

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  • WETDAWGWETDAWG Member Posts: 5
    It was an option on the boat and has the switch in the control panel for generator, however the install (possible engine removal would be an $$$ issue.) It has room for a small unit forward of the engine but not too sure there is room to install.....TY
  • WETDAWGWETDAWG Member Posts: 5
    Thank you for the help. If I go with portable would you know how many watts I would need to run A/C?
  • WETDAWGWETDAWG Member Posts: 5
    I'm thinking a HF Predator 3500 should run everything. A little heavy but 30 amps and quiet as a honda supposedly. The 260 has onboard A/C. I can store in rear bedroom. I'll just have to find a way to strap it down. Thanks for all your help
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    aero3113 said:
    You might want to go with the Predator 2000 . The 3500 seems a little big to be moving around on the boat. My coworker has a 270 and stores the 2000 in the engine compartment strapped down. He has no issues running his AC and fridge. Change all of you lights to LED also, this will help with some draw.

    That's a little dangerous, like keeping LP containers in the engine bay.  The fuel cap vent can be closed but you still have a carb full of fuel and can leak if bounced right or tilts too far to one side.  
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a Ryobi 2200 watt unit that I use on my 280EC. It runs the air conditioner and battery charger at the same time. It will run the stove and the microwave, but not all at the same time. 

    Ive worked on those and like them, just as good as my generac as far as I'm concerned. I do warranty work for Briggs, generac and Honda. Used to do ryobi but they didn't pay well enough to keep doing it.
  • WETDAWGWETDAWG Member Posts: 5
    I want to thank all of you guys for the help!!! I'll definitely go with something smaller after looking everything over. I'm going to let the landlocked marine store give me a quote then go from there. Thanks again
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