Generator controller assembly
Well, it looks like my controller assembly panel has bit the dust. A month or so ago I had the panel kind of flash in and out and I played with the input power and hots things to start ok. This weekend I went to start it and when it went to start it had a click like the starter tried to engage. Then, it went downhill from there. The panel was in/out not consistently staying lit. Now it won't even light up with just DC power to it.
Anyone have a spare one to sell or ever have this issue? I checked out the SCR power module to make sure ac power didn't come back thru. That looks ok. These panels are a little more than 1 boat unit, crazy!!

Anyone have a spare one to sell or ever have this issue? I checked out the SCR power module to make sure ac power didn't come back thru. That looks ok. These panels are a little more than 1 boat unit, crazy!!

Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
So, I thought I'd follow up on this. I not only had to replace the ADC2100 panel ($1080), but I also had corrosion I had to fix at the feedthrough/input that comes thru the sound shield. Was a real bear to get in there and remove that panel. Genny works great now! I'm going to give it a good fix and repaint over the winter, but I have it connected back up correctly with new connectors and working well for the rest of this year.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
@Larea I'm sure when you are done this winter, yours will shine like new!
This was not fun troubleshooting. I had voltage to the LED panel, but it didn't work. I checked the ground and it ohmed out well. But, it was the positive side that ohmed out high. Hence, a small load like just the LEDs coming on pulled it enough that the corrosion didn't let it happen. I'll give some kudos to partsfortech guys. I bought the panel from them and they helped me dig into this a bit more. I really didn't want to do into that feedthrough, but it worked out. I'm not looking forward to making this look better, but it'll give me something over the winter that is boat related. I may just try to make a new piece, cause I'm sure Kohler wouldn't sell that little piece, but a whole sound shield instead.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express