Volvo Penta Closed Cooling Winterization

Newbie question and I am sorry if it has been asked: I have a brand new Penta 350 with closed cooling and easy drain. I can’t get a straight answer from any technician or the internet, or even Volvo, on whether something has to be done to winterize the engine in addition to performing the easy drain function. One tech tells me you still have to winterize the closed cooling system because it mixes with raw water which i seem to think is completely wrong. Bottom line, do I have to do anything to winterize this engine other than allow all the raw water to drain using the Easy Drain system on the new Volvo?
Looks like a pretty slick new system. There’s a link in the article to a YouTube video.
The closed coolant system doesn’t mix with raw seawater. It has coolant in it all the time.
You just have to do the easy drain. Double check with your VPenta manual.
I don't know what type of tech would tell you raw water mixes with antifreeze in the system. There must have been a miscommunication somewhere.
Raw water doesn't "mix" in the heat exchanger but it does enter one portion of the heat exchanger and cools the fresh water portion.