Aero Cosmetics Products - Wash Wax All
Hey all you pilots out there - or anybody else:
Have you used any Aero Cosmetics products? Specifically the Wash Wax All.
Supposedly this stuff is used a lot in the aviation industry. Seems to get pretty good reviews online.
I'm indoor heated so no access to water. The hull is not bad, so I was going to give this stuff a try, but just wondering if anybody has first hand knowledge.
Have you used any Aero Cosmetics products? Specifically the Wash Wax All.
Supposedly this stuff is used a lot in the aviation industry. Seems to get pretty good reviews online.
I'm indoor heated so no access to water. The hull is not bad, so I was going to give this stuff a try, but just wondering if anybody has first hand knowledge.
Turtle wax has some cleaners with ceramic in them for coating. Also starbrite hull cleaner is good. I use both of these products. I think the turtle wax products have a number on them for each step from cleaning to polish then sealing.
This is the turtle wax I am using. It's for between washes however boats are generally pretty clean so I have been using it to wipe down and I'll use starbrite first on the dirtier areas.