Oil in lower unit reservoir

My port engine recently clunked going into gear. Opened up the engine hatch and noticed oil in the bilge. The lower unit Reservoir also looks milky. At the beginning of the year it seemed like I had to fill it a couple extra times. I'm wondering if I left the drain plugs or vent plugs loose on the lower unit
Remove the reservoir and attach the barbed hose from the pressure tester to your oil feed hose. You only need to push it up to 5psi.
So long as the leak is below the water line you should see where the bubbles are coming from.
It should hold press for 24 hours without leaking down.
I doubt that's why you have oil in the bilge but for gimball bellow life id keep it stored in the down position.
Follow your oil reservoir to as close to the transom as you can. Since oil flows down hill follow the hose until it starts getting oily.
Could the the reservoir, the hose or the pita plastic connector at the transom housing. Could just be loose clamps on the hose
I'm assuming you mean outdrive oil in the bilge.
I have a Bayliner with a diesel so there's all sorts of oils mixed in my bilge.