Carb vs. Fuel Injected

djstewydjstewy Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
Hi All,

So I'm just about to pull the trigger on purchasing a 2007 Rinker 280 EC (old boat was a 94' Sea Ray 250 EC) and this will be my first boat that has a fuel injected engine instead of a carb.  Seeing that I'm not the most mechanically inclined person, I wanted to touch base with a few of you that are to get your thoughts on the differences.

My understanding is I'll have A LOT easier time starting the boat and better gas mileage.  On the con side, it's much more spendy to get fixed if you have an issue with an injector system compared to a carb.  Is that right?  Anything else I should consider?




  • Michael TMichael T Member Posts: 7,227 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Derek, in my opinion, you will be much better off in all ways with fuel injection.  MT

  • 212rowboat212rowboat Member Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There is no contest... Multi port fuel injection is superior in every single way possible... not only does proper fuel trim matter, but even distribution to every cylinder is huge for engine performance and longevity... Plus, monitoring atmospheric and running conditions via pcm allows live spark timing adjustments that a carb simply can't compete with.... 

    Look at it like this:  if we both had identical boats, loads, props, and crew, and the only difference was mpi vs carb, the carb would only keep up if you tuned it precisely for that day and conditions... If hours pass and conditions change, a carburetor, even with electronic ignition on engine, can't and won't keep up performance wise or economy wise... 

  • djstewydjstewy Member Posts: 37 ✭✭
    Thanks guys, I figured it was going to be no contest either way.  One of the main reason I was looking at a newer boat was trying to get away from dealing with a carb on my boat.  That and having a boat that is 13 years newer (94' to a 07') is going to be really nice in the wear and tear department.

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